Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Kissing.. (sorry Halie)

You're a Freaky Kisser
When you kiss, you want to experience something new.A new technique, a new partner, a new piercing...And your own personal kissing style is very unpredictable.There's no saying where your tongue or hands will go!

Thanks Linda.....

My Monster Profile.. Yeah, its dumb!! Thanks Mark..

Your Monster Profile
Lethal Slayer
You Feast On: Starbucks
You Lurk Around In: Movie Theaters
You Especially Like to Torment: Emo Kids

Stripes in the road

You know, I have just a few questions about this picture:

1. How long did that actually lay there, dead.... painted..and in the traffic..?

2. Did they drag the poor thing to the middle of the road for the perfect photo opportunity?

3. How much do these people make an hour anyways?

4. How fresh was it? Cause we all know.. road kill, on 100 degree days = NASTY!!

5. Did they draw straws for who had to paint it or was it a dare, an initation perhaps?

6. Is this a regular hobby for said "painter"?

Im all for supporting the arts, really I am...but whomever painted the stripes could have at least:

~moved the said animal, painted the stripes straight, laid the animal BACK down on the straight stripes and THEN hand painted the stripes on the animal.... then taken the picture~

Seriously, if your going to do it, do it right for crips sake.....

Friday, October 21, 2005


I was a given my very first assignment this week, not really an assignment but a mission.. a mission of GREAT magnitude.

If I chose to accept this mission, it would mean that I MAY receive some kudos from my peers, it could mean that I MAY bring a glimmer of hope, it could mean that I MAY ultimately know what I am doing, it could mean that I MAY work out in HR just fine.

Those are some pretty high stakes, if I chose this mission.

My mission was simple enough.. my mission was this:

To find a receptionist!

A receptionist that had to have certain qualifications, and meet MY specifications none-the-less, a receptionist that had the be as good as me and Loretta in the "old" days.. a receptionsit that would bring a certain energy to the company, a receptionist that basically, didnt seem to exist!

This was my mission.

The company has gone through many many interviews, auditions and what not to bring in a receptionist and no one has been good enough.....UNTIL


A gal that use to work here, casually / jokingly asked me about a receptionist job and long story short..she is coming back as the receptionist...

My mission is now complete, she starts Monday! Yeah Me.....

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

A new journey

Today, Ive been asked to embark on a new journey. One that I have dreamed of, planned on and even asked for.. never to imagine that it would actually happen.

Today, I was asked to take over our HR department. It hasnt been "officially" announced yet, but I am elated, terrified, thrilled, scared, happy, nervous and very anxious about starting this journey.

I will not fail.. I can not..

There has been much turmoil in our company as you are well aware, and I for one have felt that along with everyone else. This is a great opportunity for me to shine and shine brightly.. like never before. I have a lot riding on this and a many are "waiting to see"... I know it.

I will not fail.. I can not.

I have dedicated and sacrificed much of families time and my own sanity to get through school to be a part of something BIGGER... to be a part of HR...because I believe in the cause, I believe in people, I believe in creating something better, for organizations everywhere.

I will not fail .. I can not.

There are wonderful people in my life that I know support me 100%, and I know that there are people at work that will be thrilled with the announcement. I think that my history here will help us, it will help build stronger relationships with people and people will be more apt to come to me because of that.. or so I hope.

Its my hope that, people will still love me.. for all the same reasons that they currently do... that I can carry that over to HR with me.

I will succeed...because I want to!

Monday, October 17, 2005



(Thanks for the pict Krisy)

Friday, October 14, 2005

My Jerry Springer Life

As I sat here thinking of what I should write about, I thought, you know Peg.. you dont always seem to "share" what you should about yourself. I read other blogs that my friends write and they are pouring out there heart and souls.

I thought it only fair that I do some of the same, instead of always doing the same 'ol crazy off the wall stuff.

People often wonder how I how long Randy and I have been married, or how we met, and all of that jazz. Today, I want to let everyone in on that.

It IS a true to life Jerry Springer episode however, and every moment is true. As I have pointed before, I am not your usual neighbor or cubicle sharing mate.

Enjoy my story!

(Halie, you may not want to read this)

When I was 18, I was madly in lust with my boyfriend. He promised me the world and said that he would never leave me.. only to enlist in the Coast Guard the following day and leave me. I was devastated of course and we did want to be together, so we did what any logical.. in lust 18 year olds did.. we got married.

We new that, that was not the ideal situation but, it was a way for us to be together. I turned 18 September 17th and was married by December 3rd of that same year. I wasnt playing around nor waiting, I wanted to be with him. He finished basic training and was home just in time to say, "I do" and we found ourselves on a plane headed to Virginia.

Our lives together we less than "perfect"...lets just say that the chemical imbalances in his head made things difficult and the fact that every woman seemed to know my husband intimately, was hard to deal with or discount.
Things between us got really bad, to the point of abusive.. physically and emotionally.The Coast Guard wasnt to keen on his imbalances either and sent him away to a "retreat". I then packed up and came home.

When he was done serving his time at the "retreat", he was let go from the service and came home, where he swore that he was better. He wanted to work things out and try to live our lives as husband and wife. I of course believed him, that was until I got pregnant. When I got pregnant, the world came crashing down all around me. The chemical imbalances in his head were back. The emotional and physical abuse started to rear there ugly head once again, and I became a "whore" and that child wasnt his.

My entire pregnancy I went through with just my brother by my side. My mom was away at school, my dad was upset that I let myself get pregnant by a man he couldnt stand, never mind that he was my husband, my husbands sister tried to take over my life and prenancy but I had to tell her to back off numerous times.

I got served divorce at by baby shower, in front of all of my friends and family. It was a relief and a disappoint. I was a failure. I wanted to prove everyone wrong and I failed at my marriage. I couldnt change him..and now I was going to be a 20 year old single mom. My future looked so bright.

During delivery, my soon to be ex walked through and made some snide joke and walked out. My dad was there to rub my feet and all seemed well. My soon to be ex's- girlfriends dad called me to congratulate me. That was a a bit bizarre.

Around two weeks after Halie was born, Randy was in the picture. Randy is my ex husband half brother. I'll let you digest that for a moment. 1 2 3 4 5 (ok, are you ready now) I would have to try and hunt my ex down for money that he owed me, and he was generally with Randy or Randy new where he was. Randy was always so good to me and treated Halie so well.

Randy started to have feelings for me and would start showing up at my house, randomly. One night a few of us all went out, I had a bit too much to drink and he graciously said that I could stay at his house or he would give me a ride home. After that night he started to ask me out... ask me if I wanted to come over for dinner.. asking if I needed help with anything...things like that. Then I started to get notes, then love letters. Randy had two kids that he full custody of as well, so we had a house full...

Not long after that, I moved in with him. The rest is kind of history. His family loves me and has never had anything negative to say. This was almost 15 years ago.

So if you are keeping track.. I married my ex-brother in law which is now my husband, and my nephew and neice became my step son and step daughter....

My step daughter now has a child which is now my step grandson.

There you have it....

Thursday, October 13, 2005

the dreaded HOMECOMING...

Halie and Kelly

Last night I took Halie Homecoming dress shopping, and to my suprise, we actually found a dress within the first hour. SCORE! and the dress was also on sale! DOUBLE SCORE!!

She looked beautiful of course, all grown up .. bigger than she should. Where did the years go, seriously! Im looing at my baby in this woman's dress and my heart stopped, my stomach ached and my head began to hurt for just a moment.

The smile on her face when she realized that, THAT was the dress..made me realize that she was obviously not my baby any longer. It was painfully true that the baby was gone. My grown teenage daughter was standing before me with boobs almost as big as mine, long blonde hair, ice blue eyes, and long thick lashes... and then it hits me...

She reallyIS going to HomeComing with a boy, the boyfriend... everything changes after this weekend.

As I look at both of these girls and remember what they were like just a few years ago, it brings a smile to my face, their futures are so bright and both of them are ready to blaze that new trail.

Im very fortunate to have two daughters. Randi is very independant, yet shy, ready kick butt while wearing light up high heels and a skirt, smart and witty, yet sarcastic .

Maybe with two beautiful daughters im not that fortunate, maybe Randy and I are in for a lot of trouble!

Randi and Imari

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Pet Peeve # 1

I have a major Pet Peeve. Its Huge..Enormous even.. Astronomically Large...Freak'n GiNormous!

Im not sure what I could possibly do to get over it, get past it or even move on, knowing that it affects me the way that it does, but let me tell you.. it REALLY sucks and it never fails, it always seems to show up.

Now, I know that when you use the words like "always" you make things appear worse than they probably are.. and that could be the case here, but its not.

My Pet Peeve is this:

Everytime that I need address mother nature, I make my way to the nearest restroom, bathroom, public facility to address said issue..open the door to an open stall.. and wouldnt you know it... there is either a 3" black pubic hair on the seat or someone's left over bodily fluid.

Now, the pubic hair is just gross... not because it is a pubic hair,but that is 3" long! EwwwWWw! Doesnt ANYONE know about shaving, trimming or regular grooming....?? HUH?? Seriously..

The "left behind bodily fluid" I get.. (I think) I can make up reasons why that would happen.. the kids were in there and you were potty training, you got up to quickly, you were showing the little guy how to "shake" it off... whatever.. but for crying out loud, take a 1/2 second to check before you walk out, and wipe it off if need be!! Its just gross!

This of course doesnt mean that I prefer any other "Party Favors" left behind ...it just means, these particular happenings ALWAYS seem to happen to ME..

Notice: There are no "pubes" or "tinkles" left behind for the next person on this toilet.... Where the hell is this one when I need it??

Im sure Pet Peeve # 2 is around the corner... stay tuned!

Monday, October 10, 2005


Mrs. Lucci comes to visit her son Anthony for dinner...who
lives with
a female roommate Maria...
During the course of the meal, his mother couldn't help but
notice how
pretty Anthony's roommate was. She had long been suspicious of a
relationship between the two, and this had only made her more
Over the course of the evening, while watching the two
interact, she
started to wonder if there was more between Anthony and his
than met the eye.
Reading his mom's thoughts, Anthony volunteered, "I know what
you must
be thinking, but I assure you, Maria and I are just
About a week later, Maria came to Anthony saying, "Ever since
mother came to dinner, I've been unable to find the silver
sugar bowl.
You don't suppose she took it, do you?"
"Well, I doubt it, but I'll email her, just to be sure." So he
sat down
and wrote: 
Dear Momma,
I'm not saying that you 'did' take the sugar bowl from my
house, I'm not
saying that you 'did not' take it. But the fact remains that it
has been
missing ever since you were here for dinner.
Love, Anthony 
Several days later, Anthony received a response email from his
which read: 
Dear Son, 
I'm not saying that you 'do' sleep with Maria, and I'm not
saying that
you 'do not' sleep with her. But the fact remains that if she
sleeping in her OWN bed, she would have found the sugar bowl by
Love,  Momma
Lesson: Never lie to your Momma

Friday, October 07, 2005

My Johnny and Me

The other day, my OTHER husband and I were having alittle chat...

"What, so I think Im married to Johnny.. no big whoop!" and he was saying to me how, "It looks as if you need a long, LONG vacation and that we should go somewhere to relax and unwind."

I of course agreed with him.

"Where will you take me I said?"

He replied, "Somewhere, where, where you can lay on the beach, with your big floppy hat, drink fru-fruy drinks all day and I can wear next to nothing."

Hot damn! Book that vacation.

But even though that would be the perfect vacation for me, what would he like to do I wondered...?

"So, my almost perfect specimen of a man, what would you like to do?"

"As long as I get to look at that glorious face of yours every day, it is a vacation for me. I truly travel so frequently making obscure films, that any length of time in one place, is pure serenity. And the fact that Ill be with you, will be heaven."

What too much????

Anyway, moving along...

As we discussed our options for vacation spots, we decided that my imagination was just much more fun.

There, we had endless opportunity to go anywhere, do anything, role play and even create some of our own movies.. which immediately made Johnny smack himself in the forward and wonder what he had just gotten himself into....

Ohhhhhh, the movies that we will make!!

Thursday, October 06, 2005


Today, is Taylors birthday!!

~Happy Birthday Sweety~

Today, I was pretty happy!

Today, was busy!

Today, started off full of promise!!

Today, ended with me kind of feeling like this little girl, surrounded with lots of SHIT on my shoes!

Tomorrow, is a new day!

Tomorrow, Im wearing boots!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Understanding..Reflection..Moving on

The majority of things that happen in my life I understand, and then, there are things that happen that I dont "clearly" understand.

For the things in my life that I dont understand, I either try to figure them out, research them or ask around about it them until I DO in fact understand what the problem is.

I am going to be in HR one day, creating a more positive change for employees in some organization somewhere, having a true to life open door policy where employees can come to ME free from fear that I may judge them, come to ME with their ideas and goals for the future that I may somehow be able to help them with.

One day, I WILL be a positive influence in someone's life.. even when it comes to firing someone...(yes, even that can be done correctly)

My company is going through a re-organization process....still....this process has been happening since last November and today, we lost a few more people. I realize, that this process doesnt:

1. get any easier 2. happen over night 3. can take different turns throughout its course

but I have to tell you, today was really hard....emotionally.

Ive been at my company for over four years, and for the past year and half... I have been on this journey of discovery with everyone.. only, we arent sure what we are looking for yet....and it doesnt seem to be able, to be clearly defined by anyone.

Im tired! Im not tired of my job or the people that I work with, just the extended journey that we are on and losing people that we have grown to care about and even love.

So what do I do? Try to understand the "Powers that Be" decisions for the day? Knowing that I myself will be in the same situation at some point in my career, knowing that I will be held accountable for telling someone that they are no longer needed in the company? Be thankful that it wasnt me.. this time 'round? Or sit back and reflect on all the good that we have done, that I have done..?

I clearly have some "thoughts" about my soon to be chosen career....Im very passionate about treating people, not employees.. with the utmost respect... and I think dragging out this "process" has had some wear and tear on the company and its killing us, what we were.

I wish the "others" could see it... could hear it... would "allow" themselves to see it, to hear it...

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Chalk Dust

1 Hot pink/ black Hillary Duff Back pack - check
2 Captain Jack Sparrow Folders - check
1 Pink lizard Print binder - check
1 Captain Jack Sparrow mini notebook - check
2 College course books = $170 (refreak'ndiculous) - check
1 Rasmussen college planner - check
Funky gel pens that make me happy - check

College Quarter Starting Tonight - Check

So, it would appear that I am "ready" to start my classes..."ready" to give it my all..."ready" to work my A$% off for another 4.0...

Well, I guess "ready" is sort of the operative word here... I have Professional Communications (which really narrows down too "writing") and Intro to Film (which people tell me is kind of cool)..so, Ill let you know.

Completely Random "thingy"

So I have to tell you, I was searching for something completely obscure the other day, and happen to come across this website..

You have to check it out...just take my word for it (unless of course you are a subscriber - Mark):
www.mailorderhusbands.net/order /

Their profiles are what got me....I am SO re-reading them whenever I need a little pick- me-up.

(Hmmm, I bet one of them could be the next shower toy, snack cake, etc)

Now, I just feel dirty..

Monday, October 03, 2005

THE husband........!!.....!!....!!

* Disclaimer: The following post may contain "sappy" material

To my husband: I would like to thank you, profusley,

*for taking care of me this week while I was sick (lord knows I wasnt very pretty)

*for rubbing my aching body, while I lay pitifully in bed

*not giving me crap for my hairy legs
(or the B.O. exuding from my body at times)

*for making dinner AND cleaning the house, every day

*working as hard as you do, your amazing and I dont tell you enough

*for being a GREAT dad (regardless of what the 14.5 ~alien lives in her brain~ yr old says)

*for working on our marriage and not giving up this year, when I had

There are so many other things that I could thank you for..but these were the bigger reasons...right off the top of my head, and ones that I could publically tell you about.. here and now.

I truly do love you baby!