Kissing.. (sorry Halie)
You're a Freaky Kisser |
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Thanks Linda.....
The best place to find out all the good stuff!
You're a Freaky Kisser |
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Your Monster Profile |
![]() You Feast On: Starbucks You Lurk Around In: Movie Theaters You Especially Like to Torment: Emo Kids |
You know, I have just a few questions about this picture:
1. How long did that actually lay there, dead.... painted..and in the traffic..?
2. Did they drag the poor thing to the middle of the road for the perfect photo opportunity?
3. How much do these people make an hour anyways?
4. How fresh was it? Cause we all know.. road kill, on 100 degree days = NASTY!!
5. Did they draw straws for who had to paint it or was it a dare, an initation perhaps?
6. Is this a regular hobby for said "painter"?
Im all for supporting the arts, really I am...but whomever painted the stripes could have at least:
~moved the said animal, painted the stripes straight, laid the animal BACK down on the straight stripes and THEN hand painted the stripes on the animal.... then taken the picture~
Seriously, if your going to do it, do it right for crips sake.....
Halie and Kelly
Last night I took Halie Homecoming dress shopping, and to my suprise, we actually found a dress within the first hour. SCORE! and the dress was also on sale! DOUBLE SCORE!!
She looked beautiful of course, all grown up .. bigger than she should. Where did the years go, seriously! Im looing at my baby in this woman's dress and my heart stopped, my stomach ached and my head began to hurt for just a moment.
The smile on her face when she realized that, THAT was the dress..made me realize that she was obviously not my baby any longer. It was painfully true that the baby was gone. My grown teenage daughter was standing before me with boobs almost as big as mine, long blonde hair, ice blue eyes, and long thick lashes... and then it hits me...
She reallyIS going to HomeComing with a boy, the boyfriend... everything changes after this weekend.
As I look at both of these girls and remember what they were like just a few years ago, it brings a smile to my face, their futures are so bright and both of them are ready to blaze that new trail.
Im very fortunate to have two daughters. Randi is very independant, yet shy, ready kick butt while wearing light up high heels and a skirt, smart and witty, yet sarcastic .
Maybe with two beautiful daughters im not that fortunate, maybe Randy and I are in for a lot of trouble! Randi and Imari
Everytime that I need address mother nature, I make my way to the nearest restroom, bathroom, public facility to address said the door to an open stall.. and wouldnt you know it... there is either a 3" black pubic hair on the seat or someone's left over bodily fluid.
Now, the pubic hair is just gross... not because it is a pubic hair,but that is 3" long! EwwwWWw! Doesnt ANYONE know about shaving, trimming or regular grooming....?? HUH?? Seriously..
The "left behind bodily fluid" I get.. (I think) I can make up reasons why that would happen.. the kids were in there and you were potty training, you got up to quickly, you were showing the little guy how to "shake" it off... whatever.. but for crying out loud, take a 1/2 second to check before you walk out, and wipe it off if need be!! Its just gross!
This of course doesnt mean that I prefer any other "Party Favors" left behind just means, these particular happenings ALWAYS seem to happen to ME..
Notice: There are no "pubes" or "tinkles" left behind for the next person on this toilet.... Where the hell is this one when I need it??
Im sure Pet Peeve # 2 is around the corner... stay tuned!