Stripes in the road

You know, I have just a few questions about this picture:
1. How long did that actually lay there, dead.... painted..and in the traffic..?
2. Did they drag the poor thing to the middle of the road for the perfect photo opportunity?
3. How much do these people make an hour anyways?
4. How fresh was it? Cause we all know.. road kill, on 100 degree days = NASTY!!
5. Did they draw straws for who had to paint it or was it a dare, an initation perhaps?
6. Is this a regular hobby for said "painter"?
Im all for supporting the arts, really I am...but whomever painted the stripes could have at least:
~moved the said animal, painted the stripes straight, laid the animal BACK down on the straight stripes and THEN hand painted the stripes on the animal.... then taken the picture~
Seriously, if your going to do it, do it right for crips sake.....
I wonder if their hiring?? i could do that job!
and you thought I "thought" too much!!!
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