Friday, October 14, 2005

My Jerry Springer Life

As I sat here thinking of what I should write about, I thought, you know Peg.. you dont always seem to "share" what you should about yourself. I read other blogs that my friends write and they are pouring out there heart and souls.

I thought it only fair that I do some of the same, instead of always doing the same 'ol crazy off the wall stuff.

People often wonder how I how long Randy and I have been married, or how we met, and all of that jazz. Today, I want to let everyone in on that.

It IS a true to life Jerry Springer episode however, and every moment is true. As I have pointed before, I am not your usual neighbor or cubicle sharing mate.

Enjoy my story!

(Halie, you may not want to read this)

When I was 18, I was madly in lust with my boyfriend. He promised me the world and said that he would never leave me.. only to enlist in the Coast Guard the following day and leave me. I was devastated of course and we did want to be together, so we did what any logical.. in lust 18 year olds did.. we got married.

We new that, that was not the ideal situation but, it was a way for us to be together. I turned 18 September 17th and was married by December 3rd of that same year. I wasnt playing around nor waiting, I wanted to be with him. He finished basic training and was home just in time to say, "I do" and we found ourselves on a plane headed to Virginia.

Our lives together we less than "perfect"...lets just say that the chemical imbalances in his head made things difficult and the fact that every woman seemed to know my husband intimately, was hard to deal with or discount.
Things between us got really bad, to the point of abusive.. physically and emotionally.The Coast Guard wasnt to keen on his imbalances either and sent him away to a "retreat". I then packed up and came home.

When he was done serving his time at the "retreat", he was let go from the service and came home, where he swore that he was better. He wanted to work things out and try to live our lives as husband and wife. I of course believed him, that was until I got pregnant. When I got pregnant, the world came crashing down all around me. The chemical imbalances in his head were back. The emotional and physical abuse started to rear there ugly head once again, and I became a "whore" and that child wasnt his.

My entire pregnancy I went through with just my brother by my side. My mom was away at school, my dad was upset that I let myself get pregnant by a man he couldnt stand, never mind that he was my husband, my husbands sister tried to take over my life and prenancy but I had to tell her to back off numerous times.

I got served divorce at by baby shower, in front of all of my friends and family. It was a relief and a disappoint. I was a failure. I wanted to prove everyone wrong and I failed at my marriage. I couldnt change him..and now I was going to be a 20 year old single mom. My future looked so bright.

During delivery, my soon to be ex walked through and made some snide joke and walked out. My dad was there to rub my feet and all seemed well. My soon to be ex's- girlfriends dad called me to congratulate me. That was a a bit bizarre.

Around two weeks after Halie was born, Randy was in the picture. Randy is my ex husband half brother. I'll let you digest that for a moment. 1 2 3 4 5 (ok, are you ready now) I would have to try and hunt my ex down for money that he owed me, and he was generally with Randy or Randy new where he was. Randy was always so good to me and treated Halie so well.

Randy started to have feelings for me and would start showing up at my house, randomly. One night a few of us all went out, I had a bit too much to drink and he graciously said that I could stay at his house or he would give me a ride home. After that night he started to ask me out... ask me if I wanted to come over for dinner.. asking if I needed help with anything...things like that. Then I started to get notes, then love letters. Randy had two kids that he full custody of as well, so we had a house full...

Not long after that, I moved in with him. The rest is kind of history. His family loves me and has never had anything negative to say. This was almost 15 years ago.

So if you are keeping track.. I married my ex-brother in law which is now my husband, and my nephew and neice became my step son and step daughter....

My step daughter now has a child which is now my step grandson.

There you have it....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh no you di-int. Now I'm going to have to throw a chair at you.

Just goes to show. . .there are all kinds of stories, and sometimes getting to the happy ending is a long and winding road. Glad you made the journey :-)

6:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

awww that's sweet that u got a good husband , and i luv dad alott and glad u got me a better dad when i was 2 weeks old

9:24 AM  
Blogger Nixie said...

strong women...


That'd be you baby!! :-D

3:51 PM  

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