Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Today was one of those days, where I needed a bit of a pick me up.

It wasnt necassarily a bad day.. or a hectic day at work... but I have been struggling a bit with completing this quarter of school and my lack of motivation for the Renaissance Festival, which I use to just love.

This year, so far.. I dont seem to love it the way that I use too. I think that I am so close to all of the drama, that it has been hard to distance myself from it this year.

Today, I needed a bit of those brown eyes..

Today, I needed Johnny to help me remember why.. I am going into the wonderful world of HR.

Today, I need Johnny to remind why I will/should continue my schooling to get my Bachelors, which means another 1.5 years.

Today, I needed Johnny to remind "why" I volunteer myself for stuff that I dont really want to do...

Today, I needed to remember why I work.

Today, I needed Johnny... just because .. I needed Johnny

A 35.5 year old woman's infatuation with Johnny Depp is I'm sure, some Pre-Med students dream thesis.

So if your out there.. and looking for an easy "A"... Im all yours.

So between family...getting the kids ready for school, work, my schooling, renaissance..taking Randi on a mini vacation (cause she has never been on one), my motivation for wanting to do anything.. is pretty non-existant.

I have to be honest, even if I gave up doing the Renaissance, I dont think it would help at this point...I think I would have to give up school to really make an impact.

Im really struggling here.. Im at a cross-roads.

but then, there is always Johnny...but then again, my hubby has dimples!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Folks, friends, foes... my common man, the eldest child of my loins to which I gave birth, has gone and done it, with my permission of course.
For you know the child of which I speak.. Problem #1

What is the saying," Better to be friends with the devil than his enemy" Well I thought better to let her do it right, than wrong.

What has she done that would be so.... so... well so gosh darn daring and down right Rage Against the Machine.. that I had to blog about it????


Yes, that IS a lip piercing... on said Eldest Child/Problem #1.

Once again, she had been talking about it for some time.. much like the tattoo talk that she has been spewing the last few years, however, I never really took it too serious..

I mean,I DO take it seriously, just not serious enough that she would really do it.

I AM a dumbass.

So now said Eldest Child, has a hole in that beautiful face that I gave her.

I cant say much, I myself am all tattoo'd up.. and have been pierced before, so Im certainly setting a great example.

Its another experience that she can store in her memory bank, something to check off her "list of things to do". I suppose there are worse things your kids could be doing... and she isnt doing any of those.

Score one for the parent!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Freak'n Adorable

I have some friends that lost their dog a while back due to age and illness, and its been a long transition for them.. and for their son. I cant imagine what it is like to lose a pet to age or illness, because I have never really had a pet long enough to know.

A few weeks ago, Davey started the quest for the perfect dog. To know Davey is to know that he researches everything until he can teach it to you like a Marine Drill Sargeant....teaching you artillary moves with your eyes closed.

He is actually quite halarious (you should of seen him when he was buying a new camera) Anyway, he decided that he must have a Blue Merle Australian Shepard (mini version)

So for weeks now, we have been looking at pictures of puppies...going through names.. and trying to figure out what he may want in a puppy (personality wise)

..and finally, Davey and family has brought home Maverick!
Welcome home Maverick!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

If you like Pina Colada's...

As of this morning, my ever so lovely Problem #1 is in wonderful and glorious Cancun Mexico...and while I understand that this is the trip of a lifetime, I worry.

It is my right as a parent to do so.

After all, she is in a strange place, where she does not speak the language or understand the currency.

..and lets face it... she is kinda puurty like.

I really DO want her to have a good time, she deserves it. I never had those opportunities when I was growing up like she does, or like Randi will.

but that being said...

There is an evil little troll out there, with one eye, and a bad leg that they call George.. who just happens to have a video camera ready to capture my daughter and her friends, entire vacation on tape..

..but only after they have gotten all liquored up from drinking those awfully tasty fruity pina coladas of course. That troll is evil, I tell you.. evil

..and then, he will turn around and sell the video on Comedy Central after midnight for $19.95..

I want her to have fun, but not at the expense of the pineapple sliver atop of the pina colada glass...

I know that she will make the right choices, however....I hear what happens in Mexico, stays in Mexico!!

Can I buy "strength" in a bottle, to see me through to Sunday?

Friday, August 11, 2006

"THE" concert

We were explorers in an unchartered land called the Myth!

A land, that seemed to be run by oversized-drunk-monkeys that sported their favorite team ball caps and wore polos during the Staind concert.

Some of these monkeys werent monkeys at all, they were hippos and intended on harming anything that stood in their way, by way of a: A. Wave B. Mosh C. Crowd Surfing D. All of the Above

The correct answer would be: D

Now, the explorers were new to the whole Mosh-Crowd Surfing-Shove -your -way -to -the- Front -Thing- and did not particulary find this amusing and was in fact almost hurt and the mamma explorer feared for the younger explorers safety.

There was a split second when the hippo took his elbow up into the face of the Mother explorer and exclaimed: "Push them outta the F#%&'n way"

Now, when mamma explorer heard this and seen that her younger explorers were about to be squished and thrown to the crowd.. she reacted with such vigor...that it truly shocked & amazed the two younger explorers still to ths day.

Mamma explorer pulled her right elbow up from out of the crowd.. and popped that mean ole hippo right in the cheek next to the eye and the nose, and I mean HARD!

Hippo was quite stunned at what just transpired and so was mamma to be truthful, but her younger explorers were in danger and she had no choice.

After that, the explorers decided that they had to leave that part of the island, that it was just too dangerous.

The rest of the night was pretty uneventful, unless of course you count.... meeting one of the members of the island! He was pretty adorable..

Rob, right back.. with sunglasses on!

We were waiting outside when all of a sudden this "person" comes up and starts to listen to the music that the girls were listening to, and I was like: "Hello"... and he smiled, shook my hand and said "Hi"

He then started a conversation with us... and I asked him his name, he said it was Rob... and that he was the bassist for Dropping Daylight...and he was adorable!!

Very sweet, and he spent a lot of time just chatting with the girls (and no one else in line) he was very polite..(not creepy).. and he grew up in AV and went to AV High... it was very exciting for the girls to experience 'cause now they know someone IN THE BAND!!!

THEM... THE GIRLS... they know someone in the band!! DO YOU KNOW HOW COOL THAT IS!!!! OHHHH.. MY.. GOSH.. !!!!!

So, all in all.. the Staind concert was an experience that no one will ever forget...

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

another concert..

I would like to think that I am pretty cool, as far as moms go. My music taste varies and I try to keep up with what is happening now...

What I really think makes me so cool though, is my love of ALL types of music...I have everything from Bill Withers to LSG to Stevie Wonder to QTip downloaded and everything inbetween ...but I can not deny that I still have a thing for alternative/heavy/rock/metal..

I AM a product of the 80's after all.

I can go to the opera one night and the next night go to a Tool concert and all will be well.

Where is this leading..? Well, I am taking Halie and Kelly to see Staind and Breaking Benjamin..tomorrow night!

I am personally, very excited!

I got to see them last year, and they were amazing!

Now, the girls seem to think that I may "mosh" and/or "head bang" and think that the thought of that is SO incredibly funny.. however, Staind is not exactly the right atmosphere for moshing..and besides

This mamma will not be partaking in any headbanging-mosherific activities, as I will for sure.. throw something outta whack..and realistically, homey dont play that.

Staind is a very emotionally charged experience, with lyrics that will make you stop and think!

Staind is not about screaming into the microphone, or playing so loud that your ears bleed, its all about music that comes from a deeper place and has a message or a story to be told. we come!!

Friday, August 04, 2006


School + 5 classes left - 2 quarters left = March Graduation

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

little wonders

Why?? Why does he have to be so damn cute? Why???

I am totally convinced that he is the Spawn of Satan, sent here to tempt me.

Tempting me into bringing one of these little critters home.

Im telling you, they are worse than Sirens were on the open sea.

There little flouncy tails, and squeeky little "mews"..and curious little minds..

..can send me over the edge, and ready snatch one up and bring home.

..but this big "lug" Vinnie - seems to rule the house, and what he says goes!!