Folks, friends, foes... my common man, the eldest child of my loins to which I gave birth, has gone and done it, with my permission of course.
For you know the child of which I speak.. Problem #1
What is the saying," Better to be friends with the devil than his enemy" Well I thought better to let her do it right, than wrong.
What has she done that would be so.... so... well so gosh darn daring and down right Rage Against the Machine.. that I had to blog about it????
Yes, that IS a lip piercing... on said Eldest Child/Problem #1.
Once again, she had been talking about it for some time.. much like the tattoo talk that she has been spewing the last few years, however, I never really took it too serious..
I mean,I DO take it seriously, just not serious enough that she would really do it.
I AM a dumbass.
So now said Eldest Child, has a hole in that beautiful face that I gave her.
I cant say much, I myself am all tattoo'd up.. and have been pierced before, so Im certainly setting a great example.
Its another experience that she can store in her memory bank, something to check off her "list of things to do". I suppose there are worse things your kids could be doing... and she isnt doing any of those.
Score one for the parent!
For you know the child of which I speak.. Problem #1

What has she done that would be so.... so... well so gosh darn daring and down right Rage Against the Machine.. that I had to blog about it????

Once again, she had been talking about it for some time.. much like the tattoo talk that she has been spewing the last few years, however, I never really took it too serious..
I mean,I DO take it seriously, just not serious enough that she would really do it.
I AM a dumbass.

I cant say much, I myself am all tattoo'd up.. and have been pierced before, so Im certainly setting a great example.
Its another experience that she can store in her memory bank, something to check off her "list of things to do". I suppose there are worse things your kids could be doing... and she isnt doing any of those.
Score one for the parent!
daang im cool
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