Problem #2

My oh-so-cute-little-baby girl has decided to grow up into a beautiful-almost-pre-teen! Overnight!
In the course of a year, she has gone from shy little tomboy, to a young pre-teen gal that likes to wear mascara and have her nails look nice.
I wasnt prepared for that. Her mannerisms, her vocabulary, the way she acts socially has really changed and I just wasnt aware that it had changed that much, or that quickly.
My baby is growing up, and I didnt even notice until now. How does that happen?
You know how people always say," They grow up so fast" or "They grow up right before your eyes" well, I always thought that was kind of a load of crap, until well.. it happened to us.
Randi informed me last night that she is not 10 any longer.. because it is now only FOUR months until her birthday.. she is "legally" 10.5! Can you belive that little twerp?
I realize she is still only 10.5 but it does seem like just yesterday I was buying her 4T clothing at Target. WOW, to be 10.5 again..
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