that $%*^#...
Since we are all family here, well.. you know what I mean.. I share my life with you, you listen.. all is well with the world.
I wanted to give you an update on what has been happening with me lately. My regular 'ol run of the mill appendectomy has created a bit of a monster. Its unleashed a lovely kidney stone the size of Texas and it doesnt seem to want to come out.

This is beast is 6-9 MM big and has taken up residence in my bladder. Throwing parties daily and trashing the place but thankfully it hasnt invited any frineds over yet.... that bastard.
Ive issued and eviction notice but so far, he has been dodging me and the Dr's.
Its not like a friendly poltergeist, that you could live with. You just cant live a kidney stone, they arent friendly. If he isnt gone in the next day or two, I fear that I might have to call in the big guns...
Yep, thats right,I'll have to call in the Priest.. to do an exorcism.

I wonder if I can order Holy Water on Ebay?
I wanted to give you an update on what has been happening with me lately. My regular 'ol run of the mill appendectomy has created a bit of a monster. Its unleashed a lovely kidney stone the size of Texas and it doesnt seem to want to come out.

This is beast is 6-9 MM big and has taken up residence in my bladder. Throwing parties daily and trashing the place but thankfully it hasnt invited any frineds over yet.... that bastard.
Ive issued and eviction notice but so far, he has been dodging me and the Dr's.
Its not like a friendly poltergeist, that you could live with. You just cant live a kidney stone, they arent friendly. If he isnt gone in the next day or two, I fear that I might have to call in the big guns...
Yep, thats right,I'll have to call in the Priest.. to do an exorcism.

I wonder if I can order Holy Water on Ebay?
The hell? Halie told me it "dissolved" or "went away" or something. I thought that sounded odd. . .
Maybe all the fireworks will scare it outta there this weekend.
So. . .did you pee out a rock yet?
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