So, I come back from camping on Monday right... to immediately have surgery on Wednesday morning.... yep, you heard me right, surgery!
Seems as if all of the sleeping I did while camping was for a reason...I had a pretty serious case of appedicitous (sp)
That creepy little piece of organ located at the bottom of my colon has gave me nothing but serious pain and grief..BUT Im feeling a lot better now.

Yeah, that little nasty organ is now gone......and I am left with a 5" gash in my belly, AND Im home until the 22nd... Dr's orders. Sounds like the perfect time to catch up on homework, housework and ohh yeah, recouperating!
Seems as if all of the sleeping I did while camping was for a reason...I had a pretty serious case of appedicitous (sp)
That creepy little piece of organ located at the bottom of my colon has gave me nothing but serious pain and grief..BUT Im feeling a lot better now.

Yeah, that little nasty organ is now gone......and I am left with a 5" gash in my belly, AND Im home until the 22nd... Dr's orders. Sounds like the perfect time to catch up on homework, housework and ohh yeah, recouperating!
I'm very sorry you've had to suffer like this, but the important thing is that I got to use your theater ticket. That means I'm happy, and isn't that what really counts?
Seriously, thank you for that! Now get well soon, don't do any housework before you're completely healed. I hear it takes three years.
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