Ahhh green grass...

Yes friends, those are tire tracks through my dads front yard. Thankfully, the tree that was in the middle of the yard, had been removed weeks prior....because my lovely 15 year old daughter cant seem to "break", "turn on her signal" AND "slowly turn into the driveway" all at the same time.... while driving.
It seems as if all of that non-sense is just too distracting..so UP and over the ditch and through the front yard it was.
There was just some "minor" damage" to the front end of the car... thankfully its all plastic....and most of it rubbed off on the new tires when we drove...so, problem fixed.
Ughhhhh 15 yr olds with permits...joy!
thanks thanksss
moral supportttttt
welll my theory wassss
"get r donee"
ahaha u honkayyy
i loveee uuu thooo
hahah secrest out
Oh. My. Goodness. Sometimes I think it would be better to just give them a license and forego the permit altogether. They're going to make those mistakes anyway, so why not have them do it WITHOUT their poor, frazzled parents in the car? Yikes.
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