
I have this friend, that told me this amazing story about her
life.. that I must share with you.. it cracks me up, even though
it was not all that funny to her at the time.
My friend was in Germany (her husband was stationed there) during
1993-1996. During her time in Germany, she became pregnant
and she of course went to all the military base doctors.
Everything was fine for a few weeks, then she got ill. She ended up
having a mis-carriage and needed a blood transfusion. The military base
didnt have her blood type on hand, so they had to go out into the community
and ask, for her type of blood.
She ended up getting her blood transfusion from an older farm woman, in
rural Germany.
The problem didnt show up until 2006.
My friend went to give blood the other day at her local church, and filled out
all the necassary paperwork that she needed too.
One of the questions asked was:
Have you ever received a blood transfusion from a forgein country during 1992-1996?
Well of course she answered yes and handed in her paperwork and waited for her turn.
When the nurse came to get her and started to review her paperwork, she was
slightly alarmed when she read that last question.
She told my friend that she would be back in a moment.
The nurse brought back the head nurse of Blood Unit, and she told my friend this:
"Ma'me, Im sorry but you can not give blood. Since you had a transfusion in Germany in 1994, you could have Mad Cow disease. We can not accept your blood ever, in fact, you can never give blood. "They did not test blood back then for the disease, so you could be a carrier."
Of course my friend was totally shocked, after all, she had just had a child 19 months earlier..
surely the doctors would of noticed some sign of Mad Cow disease in her blood.
So, my friend has now been banned from ever giving blood.....she can only give blood
in the case of extreme national emergency, and then it has to be really REALLY bad.
I just think that is the funniest damn thing I have ever heard.
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