~~ Vibes ~~
My one class at school is a communications class, more specifically - it is about interpersonal communication and how WE percieve each others way of communicating with the opposite sex.
That got me to thinking about Vibes, and our body language. So much of how we communicate is through non-verbal communication.
Just bear with me.. Im about to write a HUGE research paper on this.. so just amuse me .. ok?
Good vibes: Man ohh man, can these get you into trouble or what? I wont bore you with all the GOOD VIBES that I could think of, but trust me.. it was a lot, and some of them.... were not so Rated PG (Johnny falls into this catergory)

Funky Vibes: Again, can be very fun, could cause some trouble or be kinda scary (like you like it and are ashamed kinda scary) Again, Johnny falls into this catergory as well.

Rock'n - Ass Shak'n Vibes: Well... no explaniation is needed. Yup, my man Johnny falls into this catergory too.
Icky Vibes: Dont deny it. You know exactly what I mean. Unforunately, we have all experienced this... Its kind of like going on a blind date and realizing that your date is in fact, that old- partially bald guy -sitting at the table at TGI Fridays... that uses his ear hair for his comb over.
That got me to thinking about Vibes, and our body language. So much of how we communicate is through non-verbal communication.
Just bear with me.. Im about to write a HUGE research paper on this.. so just amuse me .. ok?

Funky Vibes: Again, can be very fun, could cause some trouble or be kinda scary (like you like it and are ashamed kinda scary) Again, Johnny falls into this catergory as well.

Rock'n - Ass Shak'n Vibes: Well... no explaniation is needed. Yup, my man Johnny falls into this catergory too.

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