an Ode to a friend..
I decided that I really needed to thank a special friend, and the best way that I new how.. was through my blog.
Im not very good at sending thank you's or buying special gifts, or even sending a singing telegrams... simply put.. I suck as a friend.
Its ok though.. I know I do. Other friends have told me so.. I dont call or write, but I am always there.
So.. todays blog is dedicated to Suzi and let me tell you why:
*If your sick and down & out, she will have some witty comment to make you smile (and could possibly post about it in her blog)
*She drives my kid around everywhere, or picks her up, because I am always at work, at school or just have gotten home from said places..and it doesnt matter what time it is.
*She LOVES seagulls
*She use to be a comedian in a another life, the gal is halarious (on purpose)
*She sends home baked goods with Halie, on occassion - and we love it!
*She works full time, works out regularly, plays taxi to Halie, spends time with her family, and still finds time to do everything else.(I think she is a clone to be honest).
* Did I mention that I think its cute how she LOVES seagulls
* Her blog: is hands down, the most creative, well written pieces of literature that is around today,and she has a huge following.
Thank you Suzi for everything that you do.. the driving, the baked goodies, the always being there... its appreciated and not forgotten.
Maybe one day, I'll grow up to be more like you..... Nah, I hate seagulls
Im not very good at sending thank you's or buying special gifts, or even sending a singing telegrams... simply put.. I suck as a friend.
Its ok though.. I know I do. Other friends have told me so.. I dont call or write, but I am always there.
So.. todays blog is dedicated to Suzi and let me tell you why:
*If your sick and down & out, she will have some witty comment to make you smile (and could possibly post about it in her blog)
*She drives my kid around everywhere, or picks her up, because I am always at work, at school or just have gotten home from said places..and it doesnt matter what time it is.

*She use to be a comedian in a another life, the gal is halarious (on purpose)
*She sends home baked goods with Halie, on occassion - and we love it!
*She works full time, works out regularly, plays taxi to Halie, spends time with her family, and still finds time to do everything else.(I think she is a clone to be honest).

* Her blog: is hands down, the most creative, well written pieces of literature that is around today,and she has a huge following.
Thank you Suzi for everything that you do.. the driving, the baked goodies, the always being there... its appreciated and not forgotten.
Maybe one day, I'll grow up to be more like you..... Nah, I hate seagulls
Oh my GOSH Peggy! You are tooooo much! You're so sweet, but I must have you fooled really well. You give me far too much credit, and you do your share of nice stuff, too, you know! Letting my kid of questionable character hang out with yours, always being open to a sleepover, and posting those lovely pictures of those adorable seagulls. How sweet of you!
Oh, and that whole "works out regularly" thing? Bwahahaha! That was in the olden days, before I started working!
But thank you, Peggy. You are a true friend, and that was really nice.
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