Reality check

Im in this Human Uses of the Environment Class - Ecology and let me tell you, every week, I leave school a bit more depressed at what natural resources are being wasted or taken away..
I understand that we have the circle of life, but now, we now also have Big Brother wanting to own all of the water in the world and wanting to privatize it.. like they did in some cities in Europe, tried to do in India & Bolivia.. and actually did in Stockton, CA.

...and then it hit me like a ton a bricks! I buy bottled water, I buy it in a cute little container because I can.. not because I need to, but because its quick and easy and I want to. I mean, its just WATER, for cripes sake. How am I helping the situation?
If its water now, then what will be next?
You can already buy sod and dirt... you can buy air.. you can buy blood.. organs...and the craziest part of all of this is, that smaller villages in India build ponds, to catch the rain water, so that they will be able to sustain themselves in time of draught, yet those very ponds of water are trying to be taken over by the government so that the water can be sold back to them.. water actually costs them more than a gallon of milk.

Its clear that I need to recyle more.. I need to buy a filter for my water.. I need to be more aware!
Its amazing to think that there really IS a world outside of my head.
One that DOES stop to smell the buds on the trees, run as fast as it can, or "jump" for no good reason.
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