Ohhhhh, Its about freak'n time......
Im a semi-big girl...I admit it! I am probably always going to be this way, and I recently just came to the realization that I should be ok with it. I say this, because I have struggled like MOST of my gal friends with my weight and have for years...and I say no more!
Im tired of spending my days worried about if I had one carb to many....dont get me wrong, Im not going to go out and eat whatever in the hell I want, Im just not going to live my life for my weight any more.... its over!
I had a brownie yesterday.. a brownie! The best frigg'n brownie in the world (thanks Orley) and there was no guilt at all.... and you know what, its ok!
This is basically what I look like when I go out...(which isnt very often)

Yeah.. I like dangly earrings,I like to look sexy, wear saucy outfits, going out occasionaly, playing with makeup and wearing high heels all on my imperfect body... and you know what.. I look pretty darn good too, and from here on out... I am going to continue to look HOT beause I can.. I love who I am...
Ohhhhhh yeah, all hell has now broke loose.......be afraid, be very afraid!
Orley, Taylor, Krisy...you guys inspire daily.... thank you!