Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Yoga gal

My Saturday night:

Taylor and I went to Bunkers to listen to a friend play in a band. We got there about 9ish or so...no big deal. We sat. we ate, we had a drink...no big deal.

The opening guy: Billy Johnson (?) was actually very good and sounds very much like Jon Bon Jovi....

The place was starting to fillup.....again, no big deal. People are filtering in. WE see alot of Birkenstocks, baseball caps, cut off t-shirts, old levi jeans that come up well above the belly button, cut off t-shirts without bras.....

Taylor and are starting to feel like the only two gals in there (besides our waitress) that shaves any part of our body...BUT, it is still..No big deal.

Its now about 10:20 and my friend swaggers in...looking all "cool" because he is of course "with the band" and the band starts right at 10:30.. I kid you not, out of NO WHERE..the place fills up like it was the TARGET CENTER...there are lesbians everwhere.... The band Tina Schlieske was kicking ass.....if you ever get the chance to see her...please do.She has endless energy.

Anyway, there was this adorable gal dancing (doing yoga) in front of me..and she was so committed to doing what she was doing that this snotty table of "be'aches" next to me, was picking on her. Thankfully Yoga gal, had her eyes closed as she danced.

I was a bit astonished that this group of "ladies" would pick on one of their own..and then they actually got up away from their table, and came out next to her on the dance floor to duplicate some yoga moves that she was doing...I could not believe my eyes..especially while the band was singing about "love".

The deal is though..Yoga gal....simply has this unbelievable love of life. She didnt care if people were watching her, she actually got other people dancing, people started smiling (how could you not) and you know what...those be'aches probably didnt remember much come Sunday morning..but Im sure Yoga gal felt great about her self, her life and all things around her. No Big Deal.

Yoga gal's GOT IT.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally didn't see you there while I was yoga-ing all over Bunkers! How rude of me not to say hello, but I was just so into it, you know? And those mean ladies? I took care of them out in the alley. They won't be dissin' the yoga anymore.

Seriously, how come when I go anywhere with you, it's always a bad Jimmy Buffet karaoke guy supplying the music?

4:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe in todays world we are still treating eachother that way. Carma has a way of catching up so the girls better be careful.

8:10 AM  

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