My broken heart.....

I have LOVED Geoff Tate of Queensryche since the early 80's.
and I love Geoff, probably as much as I love Johnny Depp
(and you all know my "stalker" type love for Johnny)
Anyway, on Saturday night, Randy and I went to their concert at the Myth in St.Paul which was awesome...

FYI: Queensryche has sold out every time that I have seen them, believe it or not!
I thought it would be kind of cool to walk out by their tour buses after the concert to see if could get a glimpse of the "guys" and / or a possible autograph (cause you never know)
Keep in mind I have never done this before either (waited out back)... so now I am a true groupie..!

Long story short: Several of the group members came out, about 45 minutes later, as Randy and I stood there in the rain (yes in the rain like dumbasses) waiting on autgraphs that I wasnt even sure I would get...and the one I really wanted was.. GEOFF's..which I didnt even end up getting.
This is what happened: after waiting for an hour now.. in the cold RAIN, Geoff came out of the building, walked up to the tour bus and waved to us (there were maybe 8-12 of us waiting there) and he got on the tour bus..
He NEVER came back off... they started up the bus and we were instructed to move out of the way...
Can you freak'n believe that..??..tired or not, there werent very many of us out there, AND we HAD been waiting.. in the RAIN...hellllo
The real kicker is they are from SEATTLE Whats a little rain to them??
WTF every one of their concerts he talks about how its all about the "fans"..yadda yadda ...yeah well.... GEOFF, KISS MY GRITS!!
After 18 loyal years.. I get the brush off...I shouldnt take it personally but wow, it hurts! It hurts deep!
sniff sniff