My Lil Debbie Snack Cake
I decided since Orley has her own "shower toy" and SHE is married.. that I could have my own little thing too.....
and what do I luv more than anything in the world......Little Debbie Snack Cakes
i.e. brownies!
I decided that Trevor...( yup, Trevor) was going to become my Lil Debbie Snack Cake
...he of course has no idea (unlike Butch) and that is ok with me...
I'll stalk Trevor from afar,in a loving way (after all I AM 35..hello)!
<~~ The drummer in red!!

*Maybe its the Pirate hat.....
*Maybe its the brown eyes.....
*Maybe its the way he holds his drum between his legs....
*Maybe its his rugged unshaven look....
*Maybe I need a cold shower...
Ohh and yeah, the hubby already knows of my infatuation with Trevor and Johnny Depp (another brown hair/brown eyed man, hmmm curious aint it!)
and the hubby has his eye on a belly dancer or two out there... so it really kind of balances out nicely!!
p.s. My ultimate Trevor moment: The walkway through Bad Manor.. Trevor was walking through on his way to Feast and he gave Orely and ME Kisses on the cheek.. OMG, I almost died!!
Voices in my head .. want me to insert naughty saying ---->________ but I wont!! Use your imagination...
and what do I luv more than anything in the world......Little Debbie Snack Cakes
i.e. brownies!
I decided that Trevor...( yup, Trevor) was going to become my Lil Debbie Snack Cake
...he of course has no idea (unlike Butch) and that is ok with me...
I'll stalk Trevor from afar,in a loving way (after all I AM 35..hello)!

<~~ The drummer in red!!

*Maybe its the Pirate hat.....
*Maybe its the brown eyes.....
*Maybe its the way he holds his drum between his legs....
*Maybe its his rugged unshaven look....
*Maybe I need a cold shower...
Ohh and yeah, the hubby already knows of my infatuation with Trevor and Johnny Depp (another brown hair/brown eyed man, hmmm curious aint it!)
and the hubby has his eye on a belly dancer or two out there... so it really kind of balances out nicely!!
p.s. My ultimate Trevor moment: The walkway through Bad Manor.. Trevor was walking through on his way to Feast and he gave Orely and ME Kisses on the cheek.. OMG, I almost died!!
Voices in my head .. want me to insert naughty saying ---->________ but I wont!! Use your imagination...
Wow Pegs, sometime I think I am learning too much about you! Naw, it just makes me love you more.
I just told Orley on Friday Night that if I were to pick a shower toy out there it would be TREVOR!!!!!
Teeee heee heee!!! He's just fun to look at !! and to stare at!! and to think about !! and to ..well never mind..
UM YEAH BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
damn is it hot in here?
We COULD both stalk him together like a pair lionesses going after fresh meat...being stealthy, ever so silent, sneaking up on him.. overtaking him until he gives into our every desire...
WOW, maybe I need a coffee break or a cold glass of water...
OMG Girl...
bunch of perverts
I'll fucking walk on the other side of site everytime I see him....
No.. actually I won't even look up.... I'll just run into people and trip over shit...
Now now girls.. lets play nice. there are plenty of men for all of us to share.. Fitz doesnt count!
and damn.. I forgot her kissed you on the lips.... be'ach!!
Be careful Orley!
I'll dance on you!!!!
yeah baby!!!!
I thought it was special...
I thought it meant something to you...
I thought I was the only one....
You told me your other girlfriend was psycho stalker!
oh all right...
what the hell
you're C-U-T-E!!!!
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