Alcohol and Virtues

This ~phrase~ does crazy things to a girl.
Not the particular Bachlorette Party that I was in, but the one that was down the hall from us at the Mariott, was off the hook.
These girls were totally insane and I was actually afraid of them.
So, here is a quick recap of my Saturday night Bachlorette Party:
At the Shout House:

Much alcohol was consumed
Krisy got whip cream in her shot ring
Songs were sang
Krisy was brought up on stage and sung too
LeAnn got on stage and "got jiggy with it"
We all got on stage and "busted a move"
A good time was had by all
We left there to go to ......well, weren't real sure but were going to just arrive wherever.....and we by-passed a few gentlemen that were questioning whether or not the Good Lord would let us into Heaven because of the evils of alcohol and the virtues of "some" of us gals...
We arrived at the Annex and Lone Tree Bar:

More alcohol was purchased
The dance floor was immediately sought out
"Ass" shaking began
Smarmy characters were "afoot"
Questioning of the bouncer had to be done (curiosity)
More alcohol was purchased
Tana sucked an entire drink 12 oz down in 2.4 seconds, were checking into world records
Krisy got a Lemon Drop in her shot ring
More "ass" shaking
Bar closing, time to go
The walk back to the Marriott (2 blocks) seemed to take forever to some with sore feet.. so they removed their shoes... (they shall remain nameless)...once back to the hotel....and immediately hunger took over.
Pizza Lucia was ordered....yeah!! Pizza at 3 am is AWESOME!! (I believe some one got sick later)
We had some issues with our sleeping arrangements.. we had a bi-level suite at the Marriott and was suppose to have a pull out sofa.. there wasnt one and of course we realized that at 3:30 in the morning, trying to get an extra roll away at that time in the quite, interesting. Especially while most everyone was feeling "groovy"...
I think it was around 4ish by the time most of us got to bed....and then up at 9 or so....So yeah, it was a success!! The bride to be.. felt absolutely wonderful the next day! NOT!!
The Bachlorettes mission is complete!
I MISSED YOU THIS WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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