
My poor little baby girl has been suffering for a few months now from nasty plantars warts, that just will not go away.
We have tried everything as parents do, to make them disappear, but they are stubborn little b%stards and just keep hanging around.
The poor thing has two on her hand: one on her finger and one on her palm and one her foot...and they are freak'n HUGE too...ohhh I feel so bad for her!
..and its amazing how they JUST appeared out of nowhere one day!
When they started to look like this, I called the doctor immediately and made an appointment to have them removed.

So, as of Monday...my Weeee Little Lassie will have to go to the Dr. and have them either frozen off with Liquid Nitrogen or surgically removed... it depends on how "awful" they are....
A Podcast from Network Administrators
A Podcast from Network Administrators . Why are you on slashdot? Burn your computer, especially if you are at work.
So this is blogging... cool! I have a rosegarden tutorial related site, but sites aren't dynamic, are they? Guess I need to start a blog too - looks like a lot of fun! Anyway - if you feel like checking out my static rose gardening contributios, feel free to check out my site anytime :-)
ickk I didn't know that , ickness , hmmmm perhaps , from not baithing alot lol jk ok well good blog , talk to you later ~ your daughter ~
I hope those warts spread to the fingers and eyes of your comment spammers!
I was going to say that you might want to keep the warts on Randi. They'll be handy boy repellant in a few years.
My brother and I both had those as kids. Mine went away on their own, but he went after his with a pocket knife.
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