Friday, January 26, 2007

Toilet Paper

So last night I was at school and we finally got for our 20 minute break so I ran to the lounge to grab a bottle of water and thought, "Well- I'll run to the ladies room quickly and go back to class and take some more notes."

There in the bathroom... it was pretty quiet for being breaktime, it appeared at first glance to be empty. I thought "GREAT- in and out." I hate, having to wait for the bathroom... (our bathroom at school is small as it is, and how are you suppose to behave: pleasant to others while waiting, chat 'em up? What?)

Anyway, I got into my stall..and I hear:

"Uhhh, HuuuH"
"uhhhh huh huh"

..Next to me in the next stall. Now I was only in there for a 8.2 seconds but stayed there for a 1.5 minutes because I was so intriqued by what the hell the gal next to me was doing .. I couldnt leave.

All I could see, were the tops of her white tennis shoes and black jeans. There was no chance of indentifying her.

I almost asked her if she hand me some toilet paper!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Funny things you see

You know what I think is HALARIOUS? That on my way to work whenever it snows.. I see about 14 men outside with their:

SNOWBLOWERS- snowblowing 1 tiny area!

.. While there is just 1 man and his shovel, shoveling his entire driveway, sidewalk and neighborhood!


This is what is going on in my head
at any given moment as of late.

Total and utter chaos!
Mass confusion!
Clutter! - Huh, what did you say your name was? Ohh, thats right, I forget everything besides! er; my love of post-its!

I still have no job and I have to give my notice next Thursday!
I have about 4.5 weeks of school left and DONT want to do another assignment!

Im always cold lately- I think I need some thermal underwear AND socks (can they make those like a heating blanket?)!

I think I need to go shopping- just for the hell of it!

Actually, I need to go downtown to the Global Market and eat at Holy Land- they have the best Mid East food / Greek food ever!! yeah- thats what I need!

Cucumber sauce- here I come!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Yeah.. Im cool!

Can I just say how freak'n fantastic my LG Chocolate phone is!!
Well- it IS!!!
It is an incredible piece of technology-really!!
The little computer geek sitting at his monitor with coke bottle glasses (with tape) and pocket protector- and all the software installed on his multiple MAC's... is a genius. He really is!!
My phone takes incredible pictures, its will store hundreds of songs and I can actually.... wait for it.... USE it.. as... a... ... ..a.. PHONE!!
Ohhhh, I know, its brillant!
...and besides that- as Paris Hilton would say;"Its HOT!"

Monday, January 08, 2007

Ella... not feeling so Enchanted Today!

This is what we get to wake up to every day! Cute- cuddly- and every so lovely cat claws.

Now I know that some people think that de-clawing a cat is in-human however, when you have new leather furniture with little hole pricks all over it... you tend to get over that real quick and drop the little bugger off at the Farming ton Vet Clinic where they will perform a quick little:

Front paw de-clawing!!

Guaranteed to keep my leather free from further damage..and the shower curtains, the comforters, the carpet, our legs!

Now- I realize this next picture shouldnt crack me up- but come on. are they serious?? Hold on, I need a moment - while I compose myself.




Ok there... check it out:

Bwaaaa.... haaaa....

I'm sorry, its funny!

Yes, our little Terror Ella is also getting spayed!

Im sure however, that our lovely Vet- did NOT strap her down like this - however, I could be wrong! Bwahhhhhh... hahhhha!

Who takes pictures like this anyway--- Suzi???????

Thursday, January 04, 2007

The end is near

This week starts the end of a journey for me.. this week, starts the end to my last quarter of school. I am now exactly 10.5 weeks away- to graduation. I am somewhat overwhelmed.

For over two years now, I have had three classes a week, worked full time and tried to maintain somewhat of a normal family life... however normal it was to begin with. This quarter though, I only have two classes:

<-- Humanitites


Business capstone -->

Humanites looks interesting enough - however, the course workload seems to be more than I wanted to do for my last quarter.. Business Capstone, BORING!!! They charged me $45 for a legal pad size text!!

Seriously, the book was $45. ...WhatEv!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Head Case

Today is the day.. that I have this checked:

<---- My Brain!

Yep, not only will my Neurologist make sure that
it is STILL inside my head, but make sure that it in FACT still works! There are those that would argue that it does not! Granted, I have my days where I think that it doesnt- hence, the need for my neurologist!

It amazes me at the many wonderous things that the brain does, can do, will do and wont do. Mine LOVES to produce Migraines.. it graves the need for that pain. My brain is like a junky, that needs its migraine fix.

I know some poeple have always wondered how the light inside the fridge turns off, like there is some sort of a little fridge leprechaun inside that turns the light off once you shut the door- I bet there is some little brain leprechaun that stomps on certain nerves and neurons inside my brain, that causes my migraines.

Little bastards!

Now because of those little bastards playing with my neurons, I may have to change my course of therapy..which means this lovely course of action:


What... the... SAM.... HELLLL?????
What the... who, what , when ...%@*^#^!!!!!

Seriously... Botox? Can he at least put that where I am starting to "wrinkle" you know- in between the eyebrows!

For cripes sake..