Head Case

<---- My Brain!
Yep, not only will my Neurologist make sure that
it is STILL inside my head, but make sure that it in FACT still works! There are those that would argue that it does not! Granted, I have my days where I think that it doesnt- hence, the need for my neurologist!
It amazes me at the many wonderous things that the brain does, can do, will do and wont do. Mine LOVES to produce Migraines.. it graves the need for that pain. My brain is like a junky, that needs its migraine fix.

I know some poeple have always wondered how the light inside the fridge turns off, like there is some sort of a little fridge leprechaun inside that turns the light off once you shut the door- I bet there is some little brain leprechaun that stomps on certain nerves and neurons inside my brain, that causes my migraines.
Little bastards!
Now because of those little bastards playing with my neurons, I may have to change my course of therapy..which means this lovely course of action:

What... the... SAM.... HELLLL?????
What the... who, what , when ...%@*^#^!!!!!
Seriously... Botox? Can he at least put that where I am starting to "wrinkle" you know- in between the eyebrows!
For cripes sake..
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