Ella and the tree

She has been with us now for 5 weeks and is about 12 weeks old. We adopted her from Last Hope Adoption @ PetCo.
Ohh yeah, its true enough- she is very cute, very cudley, really sweet and very much a spaz.... and we are all totally in love with her- we can hardly stand it.
Vinnie even kinda tolerates her-
What I dont love...

She likes the bulbs
She likes the lights
She likes the tree skirt
She especially likes to climb the tree
ella is the cuuuutest.
yooou guuys are meaan to her tho sometimes ha
looove you
im in school riight now
that reminds me of my parents cat Atticus (though I just call him kitty).
when he was a kitten he loved to climb up the tree and hide in there but as he grew older he got to be really big. I'm talking like mini mountain lion size. Well the christmas after he had bulked up he tried the whole hide in the tree thing except the tree couldn't hold him. He got about half way up the tree and the whole thing tipped with him in it.
He now just sticks to playing with the boxes that hold the ornaments.
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