Christmas of 1980

We became, well, I became very creative in the way that we figured out WHAT we were getting from "Santa"... I always made my brother be the look out and then if we were ever caught, I would of course blame him, not that anyone would believe me.
This one Christmas however, I thought I was being very clever in the way that I was going to get to the bottom of what was in our cleaverly wrapped gifts under the tree- all marked "from Santa" all in my mothers handwriting. I decided to take the sharp edge of the scissors blade and slide along the edge of the tape, and carefully unfold the end of the paper to open it up to see what is inside.
Now I know what your thinking... and your right, it DID ruin my Christmas to know that I was in fact NOT getting the Holly Hobbit Sewing Machine that I desperately wanted and that I was in fact, getting some scary Mortimer Snerd Ventriliquist Dummy that to this day gives me nightmares and the heebie jeebies to watch movies with dolls in them... It came to life at night, it really did!!!!!
((((((shiver shiver))))))))
So anyway, my brother seemed to fair much better than I did.. getting his Luke Skywalker Action Figure (that was of course Barbie Size) and a Hook Line & Sinker game... if you landed on the Skunk.. you had to scratch his tail and smell it.. it actually smelled like Skunk!
Yeah, we - well, me - were a couple of stinkers. Its a good thing my mamma still loves me- I was a trouble, I admit it!
cuuuute =D
oooh you fersure loved that dummy thing hahaha
im in school right noow ha
i should probably get off the computer since my teacher will see thaat im looking at this site hahaha
love yoou
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