wheeze...... wheeze...... wheeze..
So here I am, on day 14, 743 of having an Acute Upper Respiratory Infection a.k.a. Walking Pneumonia and it sucks.

My lungs are tired, my muscles ache and I am ready to be over this already, but the funny thing is- I had an interview last Wednesday that I HAD to go to... and I actually went.

I pulled into the parking lot.. ate about 4 cough drops.. and opened up a piece of peppermint gum to chew to help mask the smell of walking death that seems to be following me. I fluffed up the hair, re-did the lipgloss and straightened up the suit- yup, I looked pretty good.
I got out of the car and walked in. As I got inside- I prayed- actually, I pleaded with the gods- to NOT let me bark, cough, wheeze, and/or snort the entire time that I was in there- and they must have listened, because all seemed to go well.
I was at my interview for an hour, and I hope that I get a call back. My application was chosen out of 90 others.. and only 7 applicants were asked to interview that day-and that's something right??

My lungs are tired, my muscles ache and I am ready to be over this already, but the funny thing is- I had an interview last Wednesday that I HAD to go to... and I actually went.

I pulled into the parking lot.. ate about 4 cough drops.. and opened up a piece of peppermint gum to chew to help mask the smell of walking death that seems to be following me. I fluffed up the hair, re-did the lipgloss and straightened up the suit- yup, I looked pretty good.
I got out of the car and walked in. As I got inside- I prayed- actually, I pleaded with the gods- to NOT let me bark, cough, wheeze, and/or snort the entire time that I was in there- and they must have listened, because all seemed to go well.
I was at my interview for an hour, and I hope that I get a call back. My application was chosen out of 90 others.. and only 7 applicants were asked to interview that day-and that's something right??
Congratulations on the successful, non-wheezy interview! If you left the building without distributing any of your snot around the office, then they have to call you and offer you an incredible job. That's the rule.
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