Rocks in my bag

One summer my aunt went on a cruise to some Caribbean island and brought me back this brown leather purse, and I used it for quite some time. My brother and I use to have to walk up the block to the bus stop, however, my brother and I use to go at different times.
This one year, he was having issues with people bulling him and it got to the point where his big sister needed to step in- after all I am his BIG sister and he is my baby brother - in case you missed that. I got home a bit earlier than he did and emptied out my fancy shmancy brown purse, went out to our "rock" driveway and filled my purse full of rocks.
I proceeded to walk up to the bus stop and hide behind the trees to watch and see who was bullying my brother.When I noticed that it was people that would not pick on him IF they new that I was his sister, I made my move. I casually walked out from behind the trees and got behind them and up to where my brother was and asked if "they had an issue with my little brother?" I think one of them asked, very shocked, "Thats your little brother?" ..and I of course responded "It is, and if I hear you picking on him or any of his little friends again.. I'll be coming for you" ...because I was OHH SOOO threatening when I was a teenager.
Actually when it came to my brother, I had a bit of a reputation with his girlfriends and the public at large. He went to a different school than I did- so I had to protect him- and I did just that. After that one day- he never had another bully nor was he ever dumped- thanks to me!
Back to the story: when we got back to the house that day - my mom happened to see me dump the rocks out of my purse and asked me what I had put rocks in there for. I told her the story and she just dropped her head and snickered.What else was she going to do with me?
Stay tuned: I'll tell you about the time that I threw the dirt clog at my neighbor Chris Rackley for trying to kiss me. It had to be 26 years ago and he STILL tells me about to this day!
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