ahhhhh Christmas!

As Santa is preparing for his departure, some of us our finishing up, our last minute shopping.
I know, I know- I say every year that I WILL start sooner- much like many other people out there.
But when it comes down to it, getting my LAST MINUTE shopping done- is really not what matters most.
It isnt!
It isnt pushing your way through the crowds, or trying to find a parking spot close. It isnt, fighting with the cats, to get the packages wrapped without them trying to eat the ribbon.

...because really, if he is happy, excited and thrilled about Christmas and being at Grandma and Grandpa's house, then I am happy and totally know that all the shopping that WAS done, was worth it.

Lets just say, its my way of getting even with them for the all they Christmas ribbon they try to eat, the Christmas bows they tear off the packages, and the Christmas tree the youngest one likes to destroy daily!
Yes, I do have an evil streak!
A friend told me once that, even if I am not ready for Christmas, Christmas is ready for me. Isn't that nice? I think of it often, when I get in the mode of frantically trying to make everything perfect.
And really, my Christmas is complete. When you have a hot pink sparkly caulk gun, you don't require anything else.
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