Friday, January 20, 2006

Subway Guy

I was not at my "most attractive" today, since its Friday.. I have the usual Friday attire on: Sweatshirt, little makeup and jeans.

I strode into Subway not thinking anything special was gonna happen, and then of course.. it happened, our eyes met.... my knees began to heart skipped a beat, and I ran my fingers through my hair and smiled (thankfully I just whitened my teeth)

He looked very much like Rauol Bova

This man, was beyond gorgeous. He was beyond breathtaking.. he was beyond, a 21 year olds
wet dream (ok, my wet dream).. he was so freak'n beautiful.. that I was distracted and ordered something that I never get..and then kept looking at him... I could'nt help myself.

Just look at that face, and it was eating Subway

I hoped that the Subway crew would take their time today, because all I wanted to do, was stay as long as I could.

Every time that I would look at Subway Guy, he seemed to be looking in my general direction ... It could be that, that is what he does when he eats... but then again, maybe Im just that adorable, even in a sweatshirt.

He could become an obsession

Needless to say, I walked away from the casier staring (while trying to not to be to obvious) and nearly tripped over the rug.

Ohh Yeah, Im smooth..

Ohhhhhh my ga'wd Becky, look at that back!

On the way out the door, I got one last glance, gave a smile.. and Im sure I will never get to see Subway Guy again... which is too bad.

Rauol Bova..wet & naked...SA' WEET!

However, I do think that I will go to Subway a little more often... after all, it IS healthier for you.

Get on your knees and lick mamma's boot!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Wish I was on the Geek Squad

I have an enormous amount of homework to do. I have a few papers to write, and a presentation to give and various other things that need to be done. Last night, I was going to dedicate the entire evening to getting them done...

As I made myself comfy, I got all of my books ready.. and had a glass of ice tea out, and I made way for my lap tap. The lap top, that is primarily used for school and school only.

I open it up, turn it on.. and something seemed different.

There werent any desk top icons
All of my school files were gone
My dock was different
My desktop itself, was different

What the hell happened to my stuff..????...????

Im trying desperately to figure out what happened. Immediately, the girls are both denying ANY involvement in the "destruction of private property" and my husband would'nt dare touch the thing. The girls on the other hand, are on it.. frequently.

By this point, Im starting to look like this:

I can not find ANY of my files
iTunes is completely wiped clean
iPhoto is completely wiped clean
My presentation is GONE
ALL of my papers that I have wrote
for school over the past year, are GONE.

What the F&*K !!

I have to now re-download every song.... re-download my iPod... re-download every photo (some I cant).... I am beyond mad, I am...well this:

Do you know how much work that all is?

Especially when I have so much freak'n
homework already?

So, hours later... I FINALLY find my files barried DEEEEEEEP inside my computer... I finally got them back where they needed to be, and I found my presentation. Thankfully~

The iTunes library is still GONE.. The iPhoto stuff is still GONE... and now, I have no reception from my router to get do said homework, or fix Tunes... so this is now how I feel:

Cover your ears folks, cause Im gonna swear:

FUCK ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Dreaming, again..

I never seem to tire of
looking at that face

or his into those eyes

or at those lips~~

(((start dream sequence now)))

Friday, January 13, 2006


I have a problem. A situation.
Let me describe "it" for you, If I may:

Its about 5' 7"
Blue Eyed
in 9th grade
Hormonal (that's another story)
Has a "boyfriend"

and is in this:

Yep...Driver's Ed!

Oh yeah, she is about to
turn 15!

Now, this is enough to be the problem.. but believe it or not, THIS is not it. The problem is this:

Her father & her do not get along (its a mutal respect thing)
Her sister and her almost never get along
She argues with me constantly
She is failing EVERY class EXCEPT said picture above, because THAT is a cool class
She unfortunately has my off-balance hormonal issues and is completely outta her mind and uncontrollable with her emotions UNLESS she is with her "friends"
She HATES being at home
She HATES to do any kind "chore", but expects endless amounts of money and favors in return
She says mean and hateful things to her sister, and her dad (out of the blue)
But to her, this is all our fault.
She has dropped from a size 5 to a size 3/4 to a size 1/0 since Sept...
She has a terrible self image issue
She eats horribly
She looks at herself in the mirror constantly
She OCD and probably ADD

I dont deny or discard that we are dysfunctional as well... we are. WE are just as normal as the next American family (sarcastic of course)..... but she refuses to see any of the issues that she is having...

I have now made her a DR. APPT..and she FREAKED OUT!!!!!! I dont know what to do.... Im forever the bad parent. All of her friends and friend's parents only get to see the GOOD Halie.... and I always get this side of her.. I want my baby back. I want to see the Halie that everyone else gets too see.... its not fair.

People tell that this will pass....I tell ya, Im thinking I need to find an ugly witch to put a spell on her that will make her sleep for the next 4 years. Then her handsome prince will come and save her.

Would that be so bad?

Thursday, January 05, 2006

My Job.. the Ride

My job is a lot like this picture!
I love the thrill..
The highs.. the lows...
It makes me scream and yell
some days makes me want to puke
There are times
when I love it
times when I dont even want to be near it.
Days that I can control it
and days when the weather
seems to control everything about it.
Yep, this roller coaster is just like my job.
I think Im gonna get back in

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


A new quarter of school has started.... and I have: English Comp, History & Pop Culture and Intro to Communications this time 'round.

It should be interesting to see how I do with three classes......

I did however, get A's last quarter... wooo hoooo!! After much termoil about the whole student loan deal, I WAS approved and all worked out for the best.... so I should be able to finish school..

I didnt need my dad after all...

Sunday, January 01, 2006


2006 is a year of



A year for

My goals, aspirations

To grow
To love
To converse

Happy New Year Everyone