My parents always tried to get my brother and I what we wanted and needed for Christmas, but- the fact of the matter is we never really got "exactly" what we asked for. It was always close to it.. or the generic version of what we wanted.
When I was about 9 or 10, all I wanted more than anything was a Holly Hobbit Sewing Machine for Christmas. I must of looked at the JC Penney catalog 1,247 times and left hints all over the place. I even told my mom and dad that, that was in fact what I wanted.
I wanted to learn how to sew and make my own Barbie dresses, and clothes for my Cabbage Patch doll. I mean, how cool would that have been? I know, pretty freak'n cool.
What I ended up getting for Christmas that year, was something that still horrifies me to this day.. thanks mom and dad.
Scary- Spooky- Came to life at night while I slept- Mortimer Snerd!
What the hell was I going to do with this at 9 or 10 years old?
It has literally tarnished me for the rest of my life. I began to believe that it came to life, and it would watch me and follow me. I was BEYOND terrified of this damn doll.
My little brother would hide in his closet and make these little noises like it was the doll... because we shared a closet wall (we had a rambler)and THAT freaked me out even more.
Around that same time the movie Magic with Anthony Hopkins came out... where the dummy possesed Anthony... and there was a shot where the dummy is watching Anthony from the window with its BIG dummy eyes ((((((shiver shiver)))))
To do this day.. I cant watch movie with dolls in them: Puppet Master, Chuckie, etc....
Ga ross!!!!! Ickkky Poo!!! Hell No!!! Forget It!!! No Way!!! Aint Gonna Happen!!
When I was about 9 or 10, all I wanted more than anything was a Holly Hobbit Sewing Machine for Christmas. I must of looked at the JC Penney catalog 1,247 times and left hints all over the place. I even told my mom and dad that, that was in fact what I wanted.
I wanted to learn how to sew and make my own Barbie dresses, and clothes for my Cabbage Patch doll. I mean, how cool would that have been? I know, pretty freak'n cool.
What I ended up getting for Christmas that year, was something that still horrifies me to this day.. thanks mom and dad.

Scary- Spooky- Came to life at night while I slept- Mortimer Snerd!
What the hell was I going to do with this at 9 or 10 years old?
It has literally tarnished me for the rest of my life. I began to believe that it came to life, and it would watch me and follow me. I was BEYOND terrified of this damn doll.
My little brother would hide in his closet and make these little noises like it was the doll... because we shared a closet wall (we had a rambler)and THAT freaked me out even more.
Around that same time the movie Magic with Anthony Hopkins came out... where the dummy possesed Anthony... and there was a shot where the dummy is watching Anthony from the window with its BIG dummy eyes ((((((shiver shiver)))))
To do this day.. I cant watch movie with dolls in them: Puppet Master, Chuckie, etc....
Ga ross!!!!! Ickkky Poo!!! Hell No!!! Forget It!!! No Way!!! Aint Gonna Happen!!
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