Attack of the air freshner

Neighbor 1 is a smoker... and Neighbor 2, that lives across the hall is not. Neighbor 1 smokes inside her apartment and NOT in the halls.
Neighbor 2, the non-smoker has several cans of aerosol air freshner waiting outside of her apartment door waiting for Neighbor 1 to come home so she can spray where Neighbor 1 walks in the hallway and Neighbor 1's door.
Neighbor 1 feels as if Neighbor 2 is harrassing her.. with aerosol air freshner and spraying her apartment door.. since she is a smoker.
Neighbor 2 IS a bit crazy but we cant tell Neighbor 1 that...
I hope someone see's the humor in this....
Well, not surprisingly, I find it hilarious! I mean, I'm not a big fan of cigarette smoke, but how big a no-life asstard would you have to be to take the time out of your busy day to spray air freshener every time one walks by! She's just asking to be tormented with pranks.
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