Pet Peeve # 2

I love breakfast for dinner!
I do, I really really do. Pancakes for dinner, with a crispy side bacon (yes I eat pork) and a glass of ice cold skim milk. YUMMMMY!
Here is my Pet Peeve # 2:
Its always kinda fun to go to IHop, Denny's or Perkins to get your breakfast food, because after all, that IS what they are known for... so when I go there, I like to order my pancakes, yet I am always disappointed by the lack of butter on my cakes.
The pancakes generally come out with what appears to have been a dollop of butter... in a semi-circle of a cave, that it made in the pancake, when it was thrown onto the cake by the teeny weeny melon baller back in the kitchen by the guy that hates butter.
Now I ask you, dont YOU like butter on every pancake.. to some degree? I do, because I dont use much syrup.. and/or I eat fruit on my pancakes. Honestly, arent some things just made for butter... LIKE pancakes, Ohhh and popcorn? DUH~!!!
Why doesnt the wait staff just bring out extra butter to begin with?
Why the hell dont I just ask for extra butter? (because I am a dumb ass and I have high hopes that some wait person will be psychic and read my freak'n mind)
None-the-less, this IS a Pet Peeve # 2... and its probably of my own design, and I dont even eat pancakes that often... but it still urkes me.
I want my butter!
Wow, I AM a dumb ass......
You crack me up! Anytime I order pancakes in a restaurant, I freak out about the massive lake of melted butter on the pancakes. I don't want that much butter, because the butter severely limits the quantity of syrup that the pancake can absorb. For me, it's all about delivering maximum maple syrup.
Hey, my word verification word is buntooco. That's beautiful.
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